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Do Our Hearts Break? | The Illusions of Love by HH Younus AlGohar

HH Younus AlGohar explains how the illusions we create affect us and how to find out who you are in the mirror of the truth in order to adopt a lifestyle which agrees with your nature. His Holiness gives a guideline on how to overcome your failures and live a balanced lifestyle.

Main points:

- It is very rare that any relationship is crystal clear, however, when the illusion we create of a relationship shatters, it can be painful. Some people are addicted to bottling up their emotions out of fear of exposing their flaws to the public and damaging their perfect image. Even this fear could be illusionary. Most people in this world are pious because they are hiding their true character; they have two faces.

- Most of the time people already have a self-fabricated stories about us in their minds which they use to judge us. It is very important to find out the intention behind somebody's action before you judge them. Some people's intentions are clear through their actions, however, some people struggle to convey their thoughts and talk backwards; this happens when you do not know what you want, you suppress yourself because you adopted a lifestyle that doesn't agree to your nature.

- Knowing yourself in the mirror of the truth: how does your mind react to emotions? To weakness? To strength? When the mind doesn't react to weakness perfectly, we are most likely to fall into the ditch of inferiority complex. Failure pushes you to feel inferior, but you need to learn: you are not inferior because you failed. You need to rectify the mistake and move on.

- HDE Gohar Shahi said: 'Neither inferiority complex nor superiority complex is a good thing. Stay in the middle.' You should attribute your successes to the important decisions you made in your life and your failures to the mistakes. This is balance.

- Before finding faults in other, keep a check and balance of yourself. We should know who we are. We should know how balanced or imbalanced - spiritually or emotionally - we are. There are physical diseases which we know the symptoms for, but what about the emotional, mental and behavioural diseases? These are the issues nobody knows how to deal with.

Part 1

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