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Farz Aur Ibadat Mein Kya Farq Hai? | HH Younus AlGohar | ALRA TV

Sayyidi Younus AlGohar explains the difference between religious obligations and worship at the request of a viewer.


The Koran 51:56 says, 'I created Jinns and human beings to worship me.'

- The word God used for worship was 'Aboodiyat'. It comes from the same group of words as 'Abd'. God used the word 'Abd' to refer to Prophet Mohammad as well. The combination of body and soul is known as 'Abd'. So 'Aboodiyat' means to love God and become obedient to God with both your body and soul.

- Since God created you to love and become his with both your body and soul, this should be in your nature. The body becomes subject to laziness - you often struggle to complete the 5 daily Salat. The word 'Aboodiyat' here first refers to the soul. Engage the inner faculties in the worship of God - then even when you toss and turn in bed, your souls will invoke upon God. One Prophetic Tradition states that the first obligation in the religion is the Motto of Faith. There are eternal obligations and temporary obligations in the religion. One eternal obligation you must fulfil is to engage your Spiritual Heart in the invocation of God's name. Worshipping God is in the nature of the Spiritual Heart and soul; God did not create your body to worship him.

- As your creator, God has rights upon you. Just as your parents have rights on you because they are the ones who brought you into the world. According to a Prophetic Tradition, you cannot even sigh in disapproval if your parents are disbelievers. Similarly, it is God's right upon you that you worship him; if you don't, you are disobedient to God. Consider the religious obligations as a sort of tax from God - you have to pay it. You won't obtain anything out of paying that tax because it is what you owe for God creating you. If you want to obtain God's love, you will have to perform additional worship beyond the obligations.

- The greatest obligation without which no other obligation can be fulfilled is the permanent settlement of the invocation of God's name within you. The Salat ul Wusta (Middle Prayer) mentioned in Koran 2:238 refers to the invocation of God's name in the Spiritual Heart.

- On the Primordial Day, when all the souls were assembled, God first asked them, 'Am I not with your Lord?' and they affirmed it. The God showed the souls the modelled luxuries of the world and said that whoever desired it may go forth and obtain it. A countless number of souls leapt towards it and God commanded the angels to write it in their book of fate. Then God showed the modelled luxuries of paradise and said that whoever desired it may go forth and obtain it. Many souls leapt towards it and this was written in the book of fate by the angels. There were many souls who were indecisive; they could not decide between the luxuries of paradise and the world. The time ran out and God told the angels to leave their fate blank; they are known to have a 'suspended fate'. If God had sent those who chose the luxuries of the world straight to hellfire on the Primordial Day, the souls would have objected. They would have said, 'This was a choice made out of poor intelligence. Nevertheless, we did not act upon it.' Therefore to avoid such objections, God sent them to the world so that they could act in accordance with their fate.

- This world is an examination hall. The Devil does his utmost to misguide you. You must empower and strengthen yourself with divine energy. You must find the right path. And these days, it is very difficult to find the right path - people become subject to divisions on the basis of sectarianism, nationalism, etc. We are in the end times. Tyranny is everywhere. In such a wilderness of hatred, HDE Gohar Shahi is the only one giving the message and practical methodology through which you may become connected to God and enlightened. There is no other path but this.


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