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Q&A with His Holiness Younus AlGohar

His Holiness Younus AlGohar answers viewer-submitted questions about the rise of atheism in the United Kingdom and properly raising children.


Main points:

-People are no longer religious because the religion is not able to connect people to God. When they call upon God, they do not receive help from God and the practice of religion is not benefiting them at all.

⁃Religion has been dragged through the mire by the actions of religious people. The practice of religion is not benefiting anybody; rather it is polluting hearts of people and making divisions among human beings.

⁃If Christianity in contemporary times had the calibre to connect people with God, and they would have felt God’s presence in their heart, they would have never rejected God or said that God does not exist.

⁃The filth will stay in this world as long as the ideology of filth is there. Any philosophy or ideology that generates violence, hatred, killing, turns you against humanity or motivates you to kill people is unholy. It cannot come from God.

Part 1

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