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Sectarian Division Pollutes The Concept of Imam Mehdi

HH Younus AlGohar explains the universal role of the Awaited Imam Mehdi/Messiah/Kalki Avatar Lord Ra Riaz Gohar Shahi and reveals important information about the Antichrist and ISIS.

Main points:

Every great religion has the concept of an awaited personality who will come towards the end times and strengthen their individual religions. Jews await the Messiah, Muslims await Imam Mehdi and Hindus await Kalki Avatar.

Prophet Mohammad foretold signs preceding the arrival of Imam Mehdi. One important sign: the religion of Islam would be destroyed and the knowledge of the Quran would be lifted by God (meaning the correct understanding of the Quran would not be available).
There have been many false claimants to the office of Imam Mehdi; it is ironic that Muslims do not know why Imam Mehdi is coming or how to recognise him. Imam Mehdi is not coming to convert everybody to Islam; Muslims should not expect this from Imam Mehdi when Prophet Mohammad himself did not do it.

The problem with Muslims and all other nations today is that they have been deprived of the inner dimension of the religion. They have forgotten the existence of their soul. It is the knowledge of the soul that will purify you and connect you to God.

According to Prophetic Traditions, the Antichrist will emerge from among Muslims. 70 000 Muslim scholars will pledge allegiance to him; many Muslims say that the Antichrist is a Jew, but if he was, why would 70 000 Muslim scholars pledge allegiance to him? Muslims must be aware: the Antichrist will claim to be Imam Mehdi. If you don’t know the role of Imam Mehdi in this world, you will never understand who Imam Mehdi is.

There is no Prophetic Tradition or verse from the Quran that say Imam Mehdi will kill anyone. The way God has designed the persona of Imam Mehdi is like a universal spiritual master. He will represent love. Imam Mehdi will introduce the natural religion, the religion of the soul in which there is no worship or ritual.

ISIS's brand of understanding does not represent the Quranic belief system; it is not the original Islam established by Prophet Mohammad. According to ISIS, only Wahhabis are pure Muslims. However, at the time of Prophet Mohammad, there were no Wahhabis, Shiites or Sunnis. Original Islam does not incite hatred for Jews or Christians.

Imam Mehdi, Quran and Hadith, Representative of Imam Mehdi, Spirituality, Terrorism,

Part 1

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