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Why Has Islam Been Ousted From The World?

His Holiness Younus AlGohar answers a viewer-submitted question about how Islam came to its current state. Full transcript:

Main points:

- Every religion consists of two different types of knowledge: the inner dimension of the religion and the outer dimension of the religion. The reality of a human being is not his body. Inside the human body, there are seven souls, which are his/her reality. A body is like a container; the seven souls are contained in this physical body.

- The main theme of the human reality is to take care of the soul. The reason you take care of your body is because those souls are contained in this body, and you have to spend some time in this world.

- Misbehaviour and disobedience to God by the body will leave a very diabolical impact on your souls. Therefore, there are two types of knowledge. One knowledge keeps the body pure. Then, the main theme of the knowledge is to illumine and enlighten your soul.

- When the knowledge of the interior — which enlightens and revives the souls — became extinct in any religion, that religion was ousted. It became useless and it started to malfunction. Since spirituality in Islam also became extinct, the spiritual system within Islam collapsed. With the collapse of the spiritual system in Islam, Islam was diversified into many dozen denominations.

- Now is the time when spiritual love should and will prevail. The only religion, if you want to call it a religion, will be love.

Quran and Hadith, Religion, Spirituality,

Part 1

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