


Report: Messiah Foundation Canada at the Body Soul and Spirit Expo

8 years ago

Last week, Messiah Foundation Canada partook in the Body Soul and Spirit Expo in Ottawa.

Around 800 people attended the expo, where approximately 50 booths were set up. People were very curious about our message and the response was wonderful. 

Mr Moin of Messiah Foundation Canada had the following comments:

‘One man came to our booth saying that he saw our leaflet somewhere in public and visited our website. From there he got the information that we would be at the expo. So, he came to our booth and we explained to him more about Lord Ra Riaz's teachings and revolutionary message. He was very happy.

‘Another lady came to our booth. When we explained the message of Lord Ra Riaz to her, she said that she was already aware having watched our videos on YouTube. 

‘It was full moon nights so we told attendees that they can also obtain Invocation of the Heart or spiritual healing from the image of our Lord on the Moon

‘One woman came to our booth and received the message of Lord Ra Riaz. She was broadcasting the expo live on the internet. One of the questions she asked us was how much we get paid by Messiah Foundation for our work; when we explained that we are volunteers doing this as a labour of love, she was amazed!’ 

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